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The story is not just Damon's plight with Osteosarcoma.  


The real story is Damon's ability to not let it get him down.  The very night Damon found out he had cancer he adopted the song 'HAPPY' from Pharrell Williams as his 'theme' song.  It helped him and motiviated him.


Through friends, Pharrell Williams himself found out about Damon's story and his zest for life and sent Damon a personal message of hope and inspiration [CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO]


Damon has never let any of this get him down.  In fact, he has inspired others on his cancer floor to look at life as he does and has made them feel better in the process.

The day of the surgery, at the first 2-hour update the nurse called his parents and told them in all her career she has never seen a child come into the OR with a smile and laughing...especially one that doesn't know if he will wake to an arm or not.  But that is his spirit.


Damon and his family look at today as a gift -- Enjoy it!  

Today is your gift....How will you open yours?

Damon Billeck, 10 yrs., was diagnosed in February of this year with a rare and agressive form of bone cancer called Osteosarcoma.


The cancer had killed his humerus bone in his left arm and created a very large tumor.  Immediately after being discovered, he began chemotherapy treatments.  The goal with the chemotherapy was to kill as much of the tumor as possible.  


Early on, Damon's parents were told he would have to have his arm amputated to save his life.  Not giving up, they found a doctor that thought otherwise.  At the end of April, this amazing doctor not only removed the tumor successfully, but saved Damon's arm in the process.


The journey, however, is not over.  The cancer is still there.  Damon will continue receiving chemotherapy for many more months in hope of killing any cancer that remains.  After that, Damon will have follow ups for the rest of his life and more surgeries to come.

Damon is a beautiful, bright young boy full of faith, hope, courage and above all --  Strength.  He truly has the most supportive family and friends which continue to take this journey with him one day at a time.


Damon has a twin sister Dara and two older brothers Stephen (12) and Brandon (15). 

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